The fangblenny mimics the juvenile bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus), which is characterised by an electric blue stripe on each side its black body. In its non-mimetic colouration, the fangblenny is orange or olive/brown and shoal with other reef fish - predominantly red-cheeked anthias (Pseudanthias huchti), purple anthias (Pseudanthias tuka) and shoulderspot wrasses (Leptojulis cyanopleura) (Cote and Cheney, 2005).
Figure 1: a) mimetic bluestriped fangblenny b) juvenile bluestreak cleaner wrasse (model)
c) and d) orange and olive/brown forms of non-mimetic bluestriped fangblenny
In its mimetic form, the fangblenny can blend in with the harmless cleaner wrasse and ambush unsuspecting prey (an example of aggressive mimicry). In its non-mimetic form, the fangblenny also ambushes prey; however no disguise/deception is utilized in this instance.
- Cote, I. M. and Cheney, K. L. 2005, 'Choosing when to be a cleaner-fish', Nature, vol. 433, pp. 211.
- Figure 1: (Cote and Cheney, 2005), retrieved 09/04/14.